hard cover
54 pages
illustrated story .
hard cover
54 pages
illustrated story .
hard cover
54 pages
illustrated story .
Ali was born in 1983 in Shiraz, one of the five biggest cities in Iran. There he was teaching architecture, landscape design, interior design but also sketching and perspective drawing at different universities. As an artist he was exhibiting his works in many different countries often picking religious minorities, injustice and oppression out as a central theme. In 2015 he had to leave his home country in a cloak-and-dagger operation as Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance had considered his works as subversive jeopardizing the government’s policy. After a perilous journey through Europe Ali and his wife finally reached Austria where they got recognized as political refuges. Today they are living in Straßkirchen close to Vienna where Ali is resuming work as an artist and continuing to picture the grievances in his home country.